Building a Production-Ready ComfyUI API: A Complete Guide
ComfyUI has emerged as a powerful tool for AI image and video generation. Not only is it a great way to develop and visualise workflow, but it also offers an intuitive interface to develop complex APIs, making it a great tool to speed the development of AI tools. In this guide, we’ll show you how to transform ComfyUI from a visual workflow tool into a production-ready API service that can power your applications at scale.
Because advanced ComfyUI workflow sometimes takes multiple minutes to complete, we use a WebSocket-based API in this guide. The main advantage over a REST API is that it allows for real-time progress updates.
Note that this is a guide to the ComfyUI API which requires self hosting. If you are looking for a full end-to-end solution, including hosting, we recommend checking out this guide instead.
ComfyUI’s Built-in Endpoints
ComfyUI provides five key endpoints that form the foundation of any APIs:
WebSocket endpoint for real-time status updates and executing messages
"Queues workflows for execution, returns prompt_id or error
Retrieves results for a given prompt, returns queue or output
return images given a filename, subfolder and type (input, output or temp)
/upload/{image_type} # image type can be image or mask
Handles image and mask uploads for workflows that take images
For the full list of ComfyUI endpoints, you can refer to the source code here.
Before you start, you will need the workflow_api.json file. You can download it from ComfyUI by following these steps:
Enable dev mode options in the ComfyUI settings
Export your API JSON using the “Save (API format)” button.
This file is what you will need to update with your user’s input parameters and what ComfyUI calls the “prompt”.
You can download the python file with the full implementation here.
1. Setting Up the WebSocket Connection
Start by setting up a connection with the ComfyUI server.
def establish_connection():
client_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
ws = websocket.WebSocket()
return ws, server_address, client_id
2. Core API Functions
Working with the ComfyUI API boils down to using a few key functions: posting the generation request, getting the generation data back and using that information to get your results. If you plan to use images or videos as input, you will also need a function to send them to the server.
def queue_prompt(prompt, client_id, server_address):
Queue a workflow for execution.
The prompt here is the full workflow_api.json file
data = {"prompt": prompt, "client_id": client_id}
headers = {"Content-Type": "application/json"}
response ="http://{server_address}/prompt", json=data, headers=headers)
return response.json()
def get_history(prompt_id, server_address):
Fetch the output data for a completed workflow,
returns a JSON with generation parameters and results
filenames and directories
response = requests.get(f"http://{server_address}/history/{prompt_id}")
return response.json()
def get_image(filename, subfolder, folder_type, server_address):
Fetch results. Note that "save image" nodes will save images
in the ouptut folder and "preview image" nodes will save images
in the temp folder
params = {"filename": filename, "subfolder": subfolder, "type": folder_type}
response = requests.get(f"http://{server_address}/view", params=params)
return response.content
def upload_image(input_path, filename, server_address, folder_type="input", image_type="image", overwrite=False):
Upload an image or a mask to the ComfyUI server.
input_path is the path to the image/mask to upload and
image_type is either image or mask
with open(input_path, 'rb') as file:
files = {
"image": (filename, file, 'image/png')
data = {
"type": folder_type,
"overwrite": str(overwrite).lower()
url = f"http://{server_address}/upload/{image_type}"
response =, files=files, data=data)
return response.content
3. Updating the workflow with user inputs
Before sending the workflow to the API, you can dynamically update the parameters. In this example, we update the positive prompt, randomise the seed and add an input image:
def update_workflow(prompt, input_path, positive_prompt):
id_to_class_type = {id: details["class_type"] for id, details in prompt.items()}
k_sampler = [key for key, value in id_to_class_type.items() if value == 'KSampler'][0]
"""Set the seed to random"""
prompt.get(k_sampler)["inputs"]["seed"] = random.randint(10**14, 10**15 - 1)
"""Update the positive prompt"""
text_prompt = prompt.get(k_sampler)["inputs"]["positive"][0]
prompt.get(text_prompt)["inputs"]["text"] = positive_prompt
"""Update the path to the input image"""
image_loader = [key for key, value in id_to_class_type.items() if value == "LoadImage"][0]
filename = input_path.split("/")[-1]
prompt.get(image_loader)["inputs"]["image"] = filename
return prompt
4. Progress Tracking
And finally, to keep track of how your generation is going, we recommend setting up a tracking system like this one.
def track_progress(ws, prompt_id):
"""Track the progress of image generation"""
while True:
message = json.loads(ws.recv())
if message["type"] == "progress":
If the workflow is running,
print k-sampler current step over total steps
print(f"Progress: {message["data"]["value"]}/{message["data"]["max"]}")
elif message["type"] == "executing":
"""Print the node that is currently being executed"""
print(f"Executing node: {message["data"]["node"]}")
elif message["type"] == "execution_cached":
"""Print list of nodes that are cached"""
print(f"Cached execution: {message['data']}")
"""Check for completion"""
if (message["type"] == "executed" and
"prompt_id" in message["data"] and
message["data"]["prompt_id"] == prompt_id):
print("Generation completed")
return True
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error processing message: {e}")
return False
Example: Complete Image Generation Service
Here’s a complete example of what the full process can look like using the functions from the previous section:
def generate_image(generation_parameters):
ws, _, client_id = establish_connection()
"""Update the workflow with the generation parameters"""
workflow = load_workflow("workflow_api.json")
workflow = update_workflow(workflow,
"""Upload the input image to the server"""
upload_image(input_path=generation_parameters["input_path"], filename="img.jpg", server_address=server_address)
"""Send the workflow to the server"""
prompt_id = queue_prompt(workflow, client_id, server_address)
prompt_id = prompt_id["prompt_id"]
"""Track the progress"""
completed = track_progress(ws, prompt_id)
if not completed:
print("Generation failed or interrupted")
return None
"""Fetch the output data"""
history = get_history(prompt_id, server_address)
outputs = history[prompt_id]["outputs"]
"""Get output images"""
for node_id in outputs:
node_output = outputs[node_id]
images_output = []
if "images" in node_output:
for image in node_output["images"]:
image_data = get_image(image["filename"], image["subfolder"], image["type"], server_address)
return images_output
ComfyUI is a great way to design complex image and video generation APIs. When combined with WebSockets for real-time updates and dynamic workflow modification, it offers a powerful foundation for building scalable AI image and video generation services.
If you need a quick and easy way to deploy a ComfyUI workflow on scalable hardware of your choice, check out ViewComfy Cloud. This service allows you to skip most of the steps of developing a scalable ComfyUI-based API. All you have to do is drop your workflow_api.json file, and we will take care of installing the nodes, preparing the models, and setting up the infra.
Have questions or want to share your implementation? Join the discussion on our discord or reach out to the team