The fastest way to deploy a ComfyUI workflow

Turn ComfyUI workflows into a production ready API in minutes.

One click serverless API deployment on the hardware of your choice

Update your APIs on the go by updating workflows directly in the Comfy interface

Use our simplified ComfyUI API to integrate complex workflows with ease

Ultimately, it is as easy as dropping a workflow and picking the hardware you want to run it on. Here are the details:

Start from an existing workflow, or build your own

You can use an existing workflow or start from a fresh installation of ComfyUI. We take care of installing all the dependencies you will need.

Select the parameters you want to expose

Keep it simple and only expose the parameters you need for your API.

Keep it simple with our simplified API

The ViewComfy API offers many simplifications over the standard ComfyUI API. With one simple request send the parameters and the workflow version, the API will return the workflow’s output

Chose your hardware

Pick from our range of GPUs to deploy your ComfyUI API. From 16GB T4s to 80GB GPUs like the H100, we have what you need.

Scalable infrastructure out of the box

We’ve already done all the infrastructure optimisation so that you don’t have to. More GPUs will automatically be added to your deployment as the load increases.

Update your API on the go

Update the workflow behind the API as you need. You can choose which version of the workflow you want to run when making an API call.

Add new models when you need them

Add models from Hugging Face, CivitAI or your own storage solution using a download link.